High-quality daycare and primary education for every child stands for a subjective right to daycare, free early childhood education, reasonable group sizes, sufficient material grants and taking families in different situations into account.
Joensuu will take care of its youth by securing funding for vocational education, supporting inclusive leisure activities and guaranteeing satisfactory preventative services.
Culture and education will be promoted by developing libraries, granting resources to civic activities, securing funding for non-formal adult education and taking care of the operational preconditions of art establishments.
Joensuu will combat climate change at a local level with careful urban and transport planning as well as low-emission distributed energy generation and energy-efficient construction.
Joensuu will become the best cycling city in Finland by improving its cycleway network, carrying out winter maintenance and taking care of the bicycle parking facilities.
The green Joensuu will keep the residential areas pleasant: parks will not be sacrificed for infill development, the recreational value of beaches and forests will be acknowledged and buildings of historic importance will be valued.
The sustainable development of everyday life will be supported by focusing on local assets and environmental values, making recycling and reuse easy and encouraging people to use their own muscle power in everyday transport.
Social and health services will be reformed according to the needs of the people, problems are proactively engaged by offering leisure activities for children of all income groups as well as free contraception for under-25s.
Poverty and social exclusion will be fought by promoting reasonably priced housing and employing graded service charge structure according to everyone’s personal financial standing.
Municipalities will be made equal and free from discrimination by stopping bullying, making sure that public spaces are available for everyone and making thorough impact assessments while using public money.
The aim in the development services for new and growing businesses is the diversification of the economy. Businesses based on special expertise will be aided to develop and become international.
Joensuu has a competitive edge from urban planning that supports businesses, smooth permit process and good city-owned lots.
Building business facilities should be primarily market-based but the city can also do its part: a good example of this is the upcoming business park in Penttilä called the Green Park.
Youth employment will be promoted by offering summer jobs with the city and supporting businesses and organizations that offer jobs.
The competent procurement services of the city make it possible for the local businesses to participate in competitive bidding. The city as an employer will also invest in well-being at work.
We are building a better Joensuu together. The choice is yours.